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2018 coming to an end

It's coming to an end for 2018. In the beginning I set down some of the things I would like to achieve. Let's take a look at the list.

  • Be proficient in Linux, switch to using Linux full time. ✔

    Not full time, however I use it on the weekends.

  • Learn and write some programs in Rust. ✖

    Although, this hasn't happen, I wrote a few programs in D.

  • At least one post per month for this blog. ✔

    More than 12 posts in the past year. 😀

  • Learn at least 3 new language this year (Rust/Go/Pascal/Dart/Red). ✔

    In fact I am learning D and Nim, Java.

  • Develop a cross platform mobile app of any sort. ✖

    I am learning Flutter at the moment.

  • Join a game jam. ✖

    Didn't happen due to work commitment, will try again next year.

  • Learn Vim properly. ✔

    I am re learning neovim again. Also thanks to OniVim's tutorial.

I think I am actually quite proud of myself. The goals I set out to achieve this year, I have managed to cross a few off the list. Again, 2018 have been a really fullfilling year. Have a happy holidays and a happy new year.