From Linux to BSDs
Last time on the blog, I mentioned that I was trying out Arch Linux distro again. I guess I was partially inspired by people who are using tiling managers and also I was looking for something lightweight for my old machines. About a week after the blog post, I actually installed Void (again) on my machine.
In fact the reason why I like Void was because it is a new distro that is not based off any distribution as well. Personally I dislike the fact that there is a reliance on an upstream. To be honest I would have stayed with Void. I really like the fast boot up and I got wifi running, the most important thing for my laptop as well as setting up the desktop/browser for my daily usage.
It was at this point of time I came across a post on Hacker News about installation of FreeBSD on a ThinkPad that got me thinking about trying FreeBSD again. For the observant, yes, this is not my first installation of FreeBSD, I think I might have attempted to install on my thinkpad in fact. It was very long ago. I remember seeing the screenshots of a KDE environment running in the distrowatch page and I thought to myself, does it become that after installation. I think I went ahead to install but to my disappoinment it was just CLI. Note: At that point of time, I was only comfortable with gui installers and graphical interfaces. I didn't really do much on the cli.
Now that I was more comfortable with a installation of Arch/Void, I decided to give FreeBSD another go. The article detailed some of the packages and settings he have done, which are quite useful.
Right now I have two old and spare computers lying around which I have installed FreeBSD and NetBSD on both of them. I also wanted to try OpenBSD however the lack of wifi drivers in the install media is not making it easy for me to install, hence I would leave that to another day.
BSD till next time. Stay tuned as I update my experience with my BSDs.