Game scripts
I have been thinking of integrating some form of scripting for a very long time. Personally I started learning to make my game in ActionScript 3, it was a very easy language to work with and I loved it. I later moved on to learning Haxe and I never went back, I found that scripting is easier to program in compared to C/C++ which needs a lot of wrapping around the memory of the machine which can be quite daunting for the game designers in the team.
Maybe in a commercial game engines, game designers have to be equipped with the knowledge of C/C++ but for our own purpose, I needed a game engine with an easy to learn scripting language for our game designers. I do not want them to be discouraged from doing scripting in the game, therefore I am thinking of implementing a scripting system for them.
There are a lot of scripting language out there and a simple search will give you some language like Lua, Python, JavaScript, C#, Squirrel, AngelScript and a few more which I won't be mentioning. I know the industry standard is Lua for scripting and I think there must be a reason that most of the game engines use it, however I have my concerns of Lua as well because I played around with Love2D a little and I don't really like Lua (but Love2D is very good in my opinion). That's a post for another time.
In the end, I chose C# maybe because I have seen how powerful Unity is and I have used a little C# and I think it is a very powerful language. Additionally, our game designers are learning C# and Unity.
I might explore other scripting language for my personal project. I am interested to try out AngelScript/Squirrel.